Once submitted, your manuscript will be forwarded to our Editorial Board members, who will review the manuscript and decide whether it complies with the template and/or writing procedures. Manuscripts that fall within the journal’s scope and, upon initial assessment, appear technically sound and scientifically valid will be sent to external reviewers.
Any copy of a manuscript containing similar or related work that is under consideration or printed in other journals must be included in the manuscript submission.
All manuscripts submitted to this journal must follow the journal’s focus and scope, as well as the author guidelines. The submitted manuscripts must present scientific benefits or novelty relevant to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism. Authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software to check for similarities. The editors verify plagiarism detection in articles submitted to this journal using Turnitin or other plagiarism software.
Manuscripts submitted to this journal will undergo a peer-review process involving at least one (1) expert reviewer. Reviewers provide scientific comments to enhance the manuscript's content. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated anonymously through a Single Blind Peer Review process based on contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. The Editorial Board will inform the review results as soon as possible, ideally within two months.
The final decision regarding article acceptance is made by the Editor based on reviewer comments. The publication of accepted articles, including their order, will be determined by the Editor-in-Chief, considering the submission date, the geographical distribution of authors, and thematic issues.
Plagiarism scanning will be conducted using Google Scholar and Anti-Plagiarism Software.
After considering the reviewer’s report, the Editorial Board Members will make one of the following decisions:
• Accepted without revision;
• Accepted with minor revision, where authors revise the manuscript to address specific issues;
• Accepted with major revision, where authors revise the manuscript to address significant issues and may require additional work;
• Rejected.
If the Editorial Board Members request changes to the manuscript, you will be required to prepare a revision. The decision letter will specify the deadline for submitting the revised manuscript. Once resubmitted, the manuscript may be sent back to referees or editors, depending on the discretion of the Editorial Board Members.
The revised manuscript must be submitted through the revision link provided in the decision letter, not as a new submission. The revision must also include a point-by-point response to the reviewer, explaining how the manuscript has been modified.
Once all editorial issues are resolved, your paper will be officially accepted for publication. The acceptance date listed on the paper will be the date the original submission passed our standard quality control checks based on the journal’s submission criteria. The acceptance date listed on the paper is the date the Editorial Board Member sends the acceptance letter.
After acceptance, authors will receive a proof of their manuscript, but only changes to the title, author list, or scientific errors are permitted. All corrections must be approved by the publishing team. Scientific Reports reserves the right to make the final decision regarding stylistic issues and image sizes.
Even in cases where Scientific Reports does not invite manuscript resubmission, some authors may request the Editorial Board to reconsider a rejection decision. This is considered an appeal, which, as a policy, ranks second in priority after normal workload. In practice, this means appeal decisions often take several weeks. Only one appeal is allowed per manuscript, and an appeal can only be made after a peer review. The final decision regarding appeals will be made by the Editorial Board Member handling the paper.
A decision is overturned at the appeal level only if the responsible Editorial Board Member is convinced that the initial decision was a serious mistake. An appeal is considered valid if a referee has made a substantial factual error or exhibited clear bias, but only if overturning the referee’s opinion would change the initial decision. Similarly, disputes over factual matters need not be resolved unless they are crucial to the outcome.
If an appeal requires further consideration, the Editorial Board Member may submit the author’s response and the revised paper for additional peer review.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.
By submitting your manuscript to this journal, it is understood that this is an original manuscript and is unpublished work that is not under consideration elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author's own work, in whole or in part, without proper citation, is not tolerated by this journal.
To ensure quality and avoid content similarity, please check your article using plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin before submission. We allow a maximum similarity tolerance of 20% for manuscripts to be published in Jurnal Manajemen Sinergi.